Maisa Guapyassu
Birth Country:
Curitiba - Parana State - Brazil
Campo Largo - Parana State - Brazil
Joinville - Santa Catarina State - Brazil
Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro State - Brazil
At Ssociacao Sagres (Association Sagres - Florianopolis, Brazil) / International Forum for Professional Work Biography based on Anthroposophy - Goetheanum - Switzerland
Forest Engineering
MSc Nature Conservation
Healing Storytelling
Anthroposophical Psicology - Basic training
Experience and Specialisation:
I began to study and work with Anthroposophy in 2003
I work as as a Biographical Counselor in individual and group processes in Curitiba and Joinville Cities, Brazil.
For 15 years I had been working with stories as a tool to rescue self-esteem and the courage to live, as well as its use as a tool to rescue individual biography and its re-signification.
I also work as a consultant and facilitator of business processes for team development, using Anthroposophy and storytelling as fundamentals.
I teache free courses at the University of Spiritual Science in Campo Largo, Parana State, Brazil.
I teaches Basic Anthroposophy courses and Formation on Anthroposophical Medicine at ABMA-RJ (Brazilian Association of Antroposophic Medicine – Branch Rio de Janeiro – Brazil)
I finished in January 2019 the basic training in Anthroposophical Psicology in CUritiba, Paraná State, Brazil.
I am a member of the Brazilian Association of Biographical Counselors (ABAB).
'I' on the Path:
I'm an ethernal learner, an thernal prentice. I feel I'm here in this era to serve with love, joy and tenderness.
My main goals and objectives are related to help to incarnate the Antroposophical Being in Brazil, and to help people to find their own path by the knowlege of their own biographies. .
I started studying and working on Nature, and realized after 20 years that i needed to work on Human being's nature. That both are the same!
Telephony 1:
5541992570808 (Mobile)