Dana Jenks

United States of America

Birth Country:
United States


United States of America

Sacramento, California

Certificate through the Center for Biography and Social Art 2019
I have a California teaching credential for Art, Physics, and Geosciences and a certification for cross cultural language acquisition.

I am a Waldorf high school teacher. I teach Physics, Chemistry and Digital Media. I create short films with high school students and work with parents and faculty at the school. We are the first public Waldorf high school in the United States. I also do a side business using Biography and natural building to facilitate connections within communities.

Experience and Specialisation:
I have built 27 different cob buildings located in India, South Africa and the United States. I have facilitated many natural building workshops and worked with the Bestho people in the small country of Lesotho in Southern Africa to learn their plastering techniques. I have facilitated workshops with adults and at risk youth. My family members have battled with addiction and my cousin now runs a drug addiction treatment center in my city. My husband does research on plants that contain alkaloids to treat addiction with out the need for on-going medication.

'I' on the Path:
I am on the path to improve my listening skills.

Telephony 1:
1-916-505-5686 (Mobile)



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