Patricia Rubano
US citizen
Birth Country:
I live in San Diego, CA, but travel throughout the U.S. to work.
Participant in Biographucal Counseling Course in U.K. (1991 - 93)
Biography and Social Art Program - as faculty, co-director and currently director and faculty (1997 - present)
Waldorf early childhood educator (1981 on and off for 30+ years - continue to mentor and evaluate W. e.c. teachers and work with parents)
Experience and Specialisation:
I have always been interested in group dynamics and working in school communities has been where I have developed skills in group facilitation.
Using biography and social art to build and strengthen the sense of connection within groups of any size is my field of endeavor.
Having learned as an early childhood teacher that it is I, myself, that the child imitates and learns from has taught me the humble awareness that my own inner work and authenticity is more important than the content or tools that I use with others.
'I' on the Path:
The path for me is always about relationship. Cultivating interest in the other, becoming aware of the 'We of I', developing the capacity to truly see and hear another so that I find myself in their story and know their story lives in me as well is the direction of my striving.
I have been served in past conferences by meeting the variety of people involved in this work, learning through experience the different ways in which people work and by being surrounded by an international community, which is especially valuable for an American.
Telephony 1:
7605293977 (Mobile)
Telephony 2:
17607541148 (Fixed)