Christopher Bee


Birth Country:



Training : Four-Country Region Lake Constance (DE AT CH LI) & Romania (RO)
Seminar : AT BR CH DE NL RO UK
Practice : CH DE

Foundation and Further Training in Applied Biographical Development based on Spiritual Science
Aus- u. Weiterbildung Angewandter Biographischer Entfaltung auf Grundlage der Geisteswissenschaft
Training Aprofundat în lucrul cu procese de Dezvoltare Biografică având ca bază Știință Spirituală

Dip. Psychologist Deg. BA Soc. Psy. 1976;
Spiritual Scientific Schooling a/o 1982;
Artistic Therapy a/o 1983;
School of Spiritual Science member a/o 1990;
Substanz-Erkenntnis a/o 1991;
Biographical Development Schooling a/o 1992;
Dip. Artistic Creative Form Therapist EB.SKMGT Zürich a/o 1994;
Social Ecologist a/o 1999;
Leadership Schooling Mira a/o 2001;
Founding member International Trainers Forum a/o 2003;
Continuity carrier Worldwide Biography Conference a/o 2009;
Spiritual Ecologist a/o 2016.

Experience and Specialisation:
Family father of seven children;
Fine and Graphic Arts a/o 1969;
Esoteric Schooling a/o 1976;
Interior Design, Multi Media Art Direction a/o 1977;
Corporate and Architectural Design a/o 1980;
Sangral Art Foundation trustee a/o 1987;
Consultant a/o 1992 : Spiritual Psychotherapy, Biographical Healing, Destiny Realisation;
Facilitator a/o 1993 : Imaginal Transformation ©, Mythographic Intervention, Sacral Metamorphosis;
Consultant a/o 1994 : Spirit-Soul Development, Consciousness Schooling;
Direction a/o 1995 : Adult Education, Further Training, Supervision, Coaching;
Consultant a/o 1997 : Mediation, Project Development, Community Building;
Gerhard Reisch Foundation trustee a/o 1999.

Establishing a professional training programme serving applied biographical development,
which is based on the principles of "Self-Evaluation" and "Self-Certification".

Research, development and application of creative instruments to promote:
1. Consciousness in "Metamorphosis of Soul" and "Resonance with Spirit" in work with Destiny Will;
2. Transformation of adversary beings, particularly Human Double & Shadow in work with Biography;
3. Constellation of Karmic Resources and creation of Destiny Freedom in Life Domain 63 to 99 years.

Creating a series of books in collaboration with Vera G. Klein published in Edition Biographæa ®, to facilitate the fruits of the aforementioned research, development and applications in a global context which integrates spiritual science with classical scientific perspectives ancient and modern, in particular relating to established psychological and complimentary spiritual paradigms.

'I' on the Path:
freedom in my heart
create time for our family
mighty weaving word of love
dancing in the dark
healing wound

CB 15.00 MET 1st June 2003

Telephony 1:
+49 172 718 2849 (Mobile)



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